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The Los Alamos Primer

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Hearing Homer's Song

A Christmas Tale

Our Human Story

The Ottoman Empire: the Classical Age 1300-1600

A Monarchy Transformed

The Last Imperialist

History of the American Frontier 1763-1893


The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume I

Einstein and the Quantum

China: A History

The Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europe



Mont Saint Michel and Chartres

The History of Ancient and Early Medieval India

The Norman Conquest

A History of Christianity - Volume II

A History of Opera

The Sea Peoples

The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt

The Anglo-Saxons

The Fall of the Dynasties

A Short History of the Papacy in the Middle Ages

The Black Prince

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Bookseller of Florence

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The Story of Christianity Vol. 1

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